Arduino uno compatible board



Using the  Arduino Uno compatible board on an Apple computer. This also works on windows system.  

  1. Go to THIS website and download the driver zip file 
  2. The file will be calledZIP (256Kb)
  3. Un-zip the file and install it.
  4. Do not restart your computer even if it prompts you.
  5. If you have a version of mac OS 10.0 or newer you will need to enter the following command into your terminal. If not you can restarts open Arduino and it will work
  6. If your OS is 10.0 or newer write this command into the terminal :
  7. sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
  8. afterwards restart your computer
  9. run Arduino and find tools, ports and select /dev/cu.wchusbserial1420

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